When it comes to tree surgery and maintaining trees on your property, you’d be forgiven for thinking you can do as much work and carry out as many treatments as you please.
To an extent this is true, however it is important that you’re aware of the the implications for any wildlife living in the trees. This is particularly the case during nesting season, the time of year when all kinds of birds head into trees to build nests, lay eggs and bring up their young.
At Artemis Tree Services we place an emphasis on being environmentally conscious arborists and are always considerate of our wildlife whenever we carry out our work.
In this month’s article, we’ll be looking at what happens to trees during nesting season, and what work you are able to carry out during this crucial time of year.
When is Nesting Season?
First, it’s important to establish when nesting season takes place. While it’s slightly different for different species of bird, it’s largely recognised as any time between February and August.
However, many experts suggest that between March and July is actually the busiest time of nesting season when most birds are affected.
What Are Your Responsibilities During Nesting Season?
It is a criminal offence to intentionally or recklessly disturb any wild bird or damage its nest. A nest is considered active on the occasion that the very first stick or any other nesting material is added to the nest site.
This could mean that it’s not possible to carry out your tree work as planned and in some cases it will have to be delayed. All property owners who have nesting birds in their trees have a responsibility to keep the wildlife safe so it’s important to be aware of what is going on.
During nesting season you should always check for any signs of nesting in your trees. You should inform tree surgeons or any other contractors you’ve hired to carry out work if you are aware of any nesting birds. The arborists can then make their own independent assessment of the situation.
Even if a tree does not have an active nest in it, you still may not be able to carry out work in it if a neighbouring tree has nesting birds. Often birds select a tree for nesting where neighbouring trees provide additional shelter or protection from predators. By disrupting a neighbouring tree it may cause a bird to abandon its nest which is also an offence.
Sometimes work can be carried out on a tree despite it being nested in. This will usually be in the form of minor maintenance or other low-level treatments. To determine whether or not it is appropriate to work on a tree with an active nest, a pre-work survey will need to be conducted by a professional such as a member of our team at Artemis Tree Services.
Also be mindful of ground nesting birds in your ground level vegetation which are easy to overlook. Be aware of your surroundings and consider how your actions are affecting all wildlife during this delicate time of the year.
When Should You Book Your Tree Work?
There isn’t necessarily a problem working on trees during nesting season, as long as you are confident there aren’t any birds nesting in your trees. If you are concerned about the possible presence of nesting birds, Artemis staff will be happy to advise on this during the tree work quotation visit.
Here at Artemis Tree Services, we have a team of award-winning contractors who operate throughout North London, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and more.
If you require any of our tree services, get in touch with us today.